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Shift in day Chinese Custom 华人习俗

It is imperative to choose an auspicious date and time 吉日 良辰 to move into your new home. The traditional method is to follow the Chinese almanac (黄历) dates that are compatible with occupants’ bazi and Home Destiny.

shift in day procedure

It is listed as 入伙 for brand new house and resale 移徙. Other formulas to choose an auspicious date if you are not in a hurry are 七政四余 太阳到山到向 三元紫白 奇门遁甲 六壬 三元  太乙神数 etc

No such thing as ghost month cannot shift house

It is appalling to avoid certain beliefts such as Qingming Festival (清明), lunar 7th month (ghost month) or Friday the 13th cannot shift house etc etc. Look at it this way, every month there are auspicious and unfavourable dates based on bazi calculations. An auspicious date and time maybe good for Mr. Lee but not Mr. Tan

For example using just one of the many formulas 太阳到山法.

During August month i.e. Lunar 7th month so call ghost month 农历七月 for a Home Destiny that sits South 丙山 facing 壬向 North is very lucky 吉利 to move house because 太阳 立秋 (usually 07-09 Aug) 到山 dispel substantial negative energies 能化解 很多灾煞.

Chinese Custom House moving ritual

The procedure below is a common Chinese “tradition or custom” on what to do, on the day of move in. You can choose to follow all or part of

1st, family member must stay overnight for the first time. It does not matter if some of your family members are overseas or schooling and can’t make it for the day & time.

shift in day feng shui2nd, the significance to use an  “auspicious starting date & time” is “symbolic” to good fortune 好意头, 兆头, 彩头.

In the past, fire crackers and charcoal stove were used to commemorate the shift in day. Here is the simplified version to give you peace of mind.

*Please note that all the “heavy lifting” such as bed, furniture, refrigerator, sofa set, TV console can be install or transported prior to shift in.

For those who wanted install “安床 new bed” (newly wed) you can follow the delivery timing prior to shifting in but place the bed slanted in the master room. Then on the given date and time by your feng shui master place it properly against the wall.

*For those with religion, you can set up the altar stand (but not lighted up) cover your deity with a red cloth prior to day of move in. On the auspicious shift in day and time you can unveil and do your religious beliefs such as burning of joss stick, offerings, etc.

Third anytime prior to shift in day, consider sprinkle $168 consisting of $1 coin all over the entire house. The amount is up to you, you can use $1688 if that is not too heavy to carry OR your own perceived lucky number.

Procedures on Shift in day  搬家

1. Wear something new as if it is the 1st lunar day of Chinese New Year.
2. Paste one pair of red 对联 (dui lian) Chinese scrolls on each side of the door. You can remove this after staying in your new house for 7 days. This is believed to ward off evil spirits 僻邪驱鬼.
3. The most senior member of house should lead and enter the house first, this is a form of respect.
4. Family members to carry items symbolic to good fortune when entering new house, examples:

  • daddy carry money in a red packet or anything that is symbolic to wealth.
  • mummy bring small quantities of 米 油 盐 酱 醋 茶 rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea leave omit the  柴 charcoal to signify abundance.
  • kids who are schooling can carry 葱蒜 spring onion & garlic or 4 calligraphy brushes.
  • singles who wish to get married can carry a red string.

5. After you entered, pick up the 168 pieces of 1 dollar coin (that you sprinkle prior to shift in) put inside a red packet or box and place it under your mattress. This signifies “财源广进” ushering wealth into your house.

“the most important formality is the boiling of water to cook a meal with rice” to earmark the shift in 入伙 occasion using your new stove”

6. Activate all electricity, lighting and appliances. It is important to turn on your gas stove 开炉 (kai lu) to boil water and cook a simple meal. You and your family members have to consume the food and water for the 1st time using your new stove.

This must fall within auspicious timing given by your feng shui master. The “boiling of water” is symbolic to “shift in” and cooking a meal technically making it complete. It signifies your home is flourishing 风生水起.

Switching on all home lightings is symbolic to bringing the “charcoal stove” into the house because light is “fire” element.  Chinese Custom believed that “fire” can dispel negative energies.

7. Before shift in day, likely your new bed/mattress would have been delivered to your home already. Leave the mattress in a vertical position (whether length or breadth lean against the floor doesn’t matter). Then on the auspicious day & hour you can put the mattress properly 安床. This is the simplest bed installation method.

*it does not matter if you needed 2-3 hours to finish the “chinese custom” what matters is the starting time on the auspicious date chosen by your feng shui master

**woman who are pregnant should not shift house

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Home Destiny 宅命 https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/home-fengshui-destiny/ Sat, 31 Aug 2024 04:00:17 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=235 What is Home Feng Shui Destiny 宅命-风水宅运 Home “feng shui Destiny 宅命” is analogous to a Human Birth Natal chart 人命 Every home possess it’s own unique Birth Chart 宅命. For easy understanding let’s call it “Home Feng shui Destiny....

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What is Home Feng Shui Destiny 宅命-风水宅运

Home “feng shui Destiny 宅命” is analogous to a Human Birth Natal chart 人命

home destiny feng shui

Every home possess it’s own unique Birth Chart 宅命. For easy understanding let’s call it “Home Feng shui Destiny Chart”. Since a Home Feng Shui Destiny Energy chart is like human birth chart, it does not alter in the future. 

master chan destiny feng shui audit

So the feng shui consultation that i do is a permanent solution. What induces the “change” is the annual fengshui intervention like COVID 19 affecting the whole world or the external environment.

Home Destiny Natal chart is based on a precise degree of orientation 坐向 (sitting and facing) of the house and move in date. The birth chart-Destiny of the house is born when we shift in. Once your Home Destiny is determine you will able to understand all the 9 individual sectors inherent energies i.e. positive, neutral and negative and how it interacts with the physical internal structure & external environment in a harmonious fashion.

Once this step is done, you are able to best layout your home furniture and fixture before you consult your ID in accordance to feng shui principles.



A Positive Feng Shui Destiny House suits any bazi profiles

宅气不宁 招祸咎 a Bad feng shui energy house attracts bad luck

A common misnomer is to choose a home that fits your birth profile. In a common Singapore family nucleus of 4 what are the chances it fits all occupants’ bazi useful element八字格局用神? The correct approach is to seek out a positive Destiny home feng shui first and make adjustments.

Isn’t it ironic that the house environment must suit us instead of the other way round? If we travel overseas don’t you think we should adapt to the foreign’s country environment?

4 Key factors for a good feng shui home.

Positive Destiny, locations (not directions) of Main Door, Stove-kitchen and Bedrooms are within Positive sectors. For such a good feng shui home, any bazi profiles or gua number can stay and do better in life

Home Destiny Audit is like a Total Body check-up

Analysing Home Destiny energy is similar to a full body health-check to find out the strengths and flaws of the house. Every house has it’s own unique signature of energy interaction with it’s environment. 

How to calculate Home Feng Shui Destiny  宅命

There are many formulas to determine Home Feng Shui Destiny.

Popular ones are  三元, 三合, 八宅, 紫白, 奇门 etc. Personally i integrate the strengths of each school but uses 三元玄空 as the “CPU” for it’s practicality, effectiveness & results. This formula is based “timing” of Earth’s energies which is relevant in today’s fast-paced life.

feng shui not solely based on Gua Number 卦命 or Bazi 八字 

Depending on which feng shui school, it is not a holistic approach using just the head of household gua number 卦命 or bazi 八字 to audit a house feng shui.

Gua Number originates from 八宅风水 consisting of only 2 groups – East & West Family. East family stay in East house direction/sector. East family has 4 positive sectors/directions to choose from i.e. North, South, East and SouthEast. For a West family is the balance sectors of choosing. This is a generalised assumption disregarding other feng shui formulas. 

To make matter worse, the Gua Number grouping of East or West family is based on an individual Year of Birth. In a year there are about 130 million new born babies. Using this formula half of the world population belongs to the East group and the other half West group to choose a feng shui home is grossly over-generalization fallacy.

What if the family consist 2 East members and 2 West members? Then this family is homeless because the house that suits East members will not suit West.

An improved version is to use the individual Bazi useful element 八字用神 to choose a unit. This method is more refined & accurate because the probability is 1/1,123,200 of someone having the same bazi is so low. However this method only suit 1 single occupant and the house natal energy chart is not considered?

The correct method is first to find a good feng shui home DESTINY 宅命吉 based on the unit’s natal energy chart. A positive home destiny feng shui is suitable to everyone.

Home destiny vs Annual feng shui 

A Bad Feng Shui Home Destiny is like a ticking time bomb. When “annual negative” energies collide with the Destiny individual sector, high chances that unlucky things will happen. 

Read differences in business feng shui destiny 

contact or watsapp:
master chan +65 90712121

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Sell house Faster https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/sell-house/ Sun, 04 Jun 2023 02:08:34 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=1826 Feng shui sell house faster  If you need to sell your house fast, you can consider using this simple feng shui formula. Before using this formula, realistically you must first ensure your house is selling at fair market price. Because....

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Feng shui sell house faster 

If you need to sell your house fast, you can consider using this simple feng shui formula. Before using this formula, realistically you must first ensure your house is selling at fair market price. Because this feng shui formula is supplementary than a profiteering tactic.

“If” you have exhausted all marketing tactics yet unable to sell within 3 months, then this tool might help you. According to feedback you should get an offer within a month after placement. This same principle also works for people who wanted to migrate or getting an overseas job or expanding your business overseas.

Using your year animal sign 

sell house faster feng shui1. First you need to invest in a “bronze horse 驿马” figurine any size. Don’t call me for this i don’t sell products, just sharing my knowledge.

2. Under San He 三合 formula, 3 zodiac signs form a strong element combo.

  • Pig, Rabbit & Goat form “wood” element
  • Tiger, Horse & Dog form “fire” element
  • Monkey, Rat & Dragon form water.
  • Snake, Rooster & Ox form Metal


3. Use the center of your house or center of your living hall depending on your home structure (center of your house is more effective). Plot out the 24 segments like the illustration, do not use 9 square grid matrix you may place it at the wrong segment (FSM clients would have this chart already).

4. Locate the 15-degree segment illustrated below.

Place the horse according to your Zodiac Year Animal sign. E.g. if your are Pig or Rabbit or Goat zodiac, place the horse at SE3 巳山 which is within the SE sector.

Pig, Rabbit & Goat place at SE3 (巳 142.6 – 157.5 degree segment) in SE
Snake, Rooster & Ox use NW3 (亥 322.6 – 337.5 degree segment) in NW
Tiger, Dog & Horse use SW3 (申 232.6 – 247.5 degree segment) in SW
Monkey, Rat & Dragon use NE3 (寅 52.6 – 67.5 degree segment) in NE

Some do’s and don’ts about horse figurine

  1. Do not place the horse in the north sector.
  2. Do get an “active-looking” horse figurine that you like.
  3. If anyone of your family members is born in the year of rat, best to use other formulas like annual flying stars or qi men dun jia. It is also best to avoid if your bazi Day master “root” is rat 子.
  4. Not suitable when your spouse is pregnant. You should postpone your decision.
  5. The horse is supposed to face towards the main door not inwards towards the house.

feng shui sell house If one does not fulfill the above conditions one can consider other feng shui methods.

through feedback from many it has been positive. Please do not ask me further this is a free service.

contact or watsapp:
master chan +65 90712121

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Bedroom https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/bedroom/ Mon, 03 Jan 2022 16:45:03 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=248 Bedroom feng shui  2 critical factors to place your bed is within a positive zone of the house destiny and fits your bazi lucky elements profile. The location of your bed should not be in conflict with any feng shui....

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Bedroom feng shui 

2 critical factors to place your bed is within a positive zone of the house destiny and fits your bazi lucky elements profile. The location of your bed should not be in conflict with any feng shui or bazi formulas such as Xuan Kong flying star home destiny chart, Ba Zhai, Gua ming and San He etc.

The correct position of bed feng shui is to promote harmonious relationships, improve health and luck energy for the occupier sleeping in the room. If location is not possible due to house internal structure constraints one have to use the head direction.

There are some feng shui masters that proposed the bed position diagonal to the corner of a wall see picture. It looks odd and create negative feng shui energy. I have clients complaining after sleeping in this position wake up giddy, disoriented, headache and migraine so he called me to undo the entire home feng shui.

24 Tips to feng shui your bedroom

feng shui bedroom

1. The ideal feng shui bed position is diagonal to your bedroom door with a wall behind your headboard.

2. Do not place the bed diagonal to the corner of the wall.

3. Neither should you place your bed beside or along the pathway of your door 门冲. This will disturb your sleep. This is because of the “yin yang” principle.

4. One signature of a feng shui master is to place the bed in the middle of the room like robinson crusoe. Never do that this is absolutely incorrect. It will cause sleeplessness and poor health.

5. Do have headboard. A high headboard is good for mentor luck and benefactors support. It doesn’t matter if your headboard is against the windows if your bazi requires a particular direction. 

6. Place bed at your Home Destiny positive sectors. Based on Xuan Kong home destiny chart the best location is where the “mountain star 1, 6, 8 or 9” resides. 

7. Do not put your iphone, ipad, android, xbox, playstation, LED tv, notebook, charger or any electronic toys besides your head. Although the your electronics maybe off but there is still electromagnetic radiation. If you need to place your TV, you can put it in the opposite direction of your headboard.

8. Allow plenty of sunshine and ventilation into your room. Do not sleep 24/7 everyday aircondition, is really bad for health.

9. Do use bazi lucky colours that are suitable for the person sleeping in the bedroom. If you are unsure use “beige” or “cream” colour which is consider as neutral. Do not use red or black for walls or curtains. 

10. Do have adjustable dimmer to adjust the level of brightness in your bedroom. A room that is too bright cannot accumulate wealth which is bad fengshui. A room that is too dark will invite evil spirits and affects your health. A well balance lighted room with sufficient sunshine is ideal.

11. Don’t place mirrors facing your bed; unless you wanted a late night episode of the “living dead”. If you want to dress for success in the morning, hide your mirrors inside the wardrobe.

12. Don’t orientate your bed towards the toilet. In other words the back of your headboard should not be the toilet. 

13. Neither should you have the kitchen stove behind your headboard wall. 

14. Don’t sleep under an overhead beam. You will wake up having problem with the position of the body that is under the beam.

15. Do not have see-through glass shower room.

16. Don’t place rubbish under your bed. You are not a rubbish collector.

17. Don’t have 2 single mattress side by side it impacts the relationship of the couple.

18. If it does not conflict with the house destiny or your bazi favourable elements ideally your bed should be in a North-South orientation because it matches with the Earth’s gravitational physics and rotation.

19. Do not sleep underneath a staircase, this is a common problem found in maisonettes and loft designs.

20. Do not have your bed place inside the kitchen.

21. Do not leave a gap of space between the wall and your headboard.

22. Nothing wrong with having lights or fan on the ceiling above your bed.

23. Colour wise there are no special requirements except to avoid using black or red colour for walls or curtains. These 2 are extreme yin or yang 阴阳 colours. One client asked me that she was advised against using pink colour from her ex-master mentioning that it will lead to “extramarital affairs”. Pink colour is useful for internal and external human relationships. 

Bedroom feng shui taboo

24. Ensure that the toilet door is not in conflict with your bed see above red arrow. This will cause marriage disharmony or even divorce. It also causes sickness to the body part that is in conflict with the toilet door. Unlike many closing the toilet does not  alleviate the bad situation.  

Headboard against the window 

This is one of the usual concern from my clients. It is a misconception to assume that having the bed against the window is definitely bad bedroom feng shui. Some masters call this lack of “mountain / benefactors 贵人” or superior support. This is a sweeping statement which can be untrue.

The pivotal factor is to conform other more important principes such as home destiny or bazi favourable elements not som much the window issues. Given the physical constraints one will have to weigh which sector fulfill most feng shui formulas. For e.g. the bed should not be within flying star combo 2 & 5 OR 五鬼廉貞星 OR detrimental to your Birth Profile elements etc. We have to weigh the lesser of 2 evils and likely consequences. Through years of practical experience having the bed towards your Birth profile favourable element supersede any other feng shui principles.

The feng shui position of the bed relative to the door

The position of the bed relative to the bedroom door is equal in importance relative to the luopan reading of good orientations where the bed faces. Given the size of a bedroom there are certain structural constraints that one cannot solely rely on your gua ming lucky sectors then other methods such as bazi favourable elements comes into play. There are certain degrees of the bed that is excellent for career or health or wealth depending on individual’s requirements. That is, you have to seek a compromise location that is good base on the relation to the bedroom door and reading.

The distance from the bed position to the door

Secondly the bed should not be beside the door. It should sit as far from the bedroom door as possible. If the door is on the left, the best position is the diagonally far right corner of the room; if the door is on the right, the best bed location is the far left of the room; The farther your bed located away from the door, the more control you can feel over your space and your life. You aren’t startled easily, and you have plenty of time to prepare for events as they unfold.

The sleeper’s scope of vision feng shui perspective

The third dominating position principle asserts that the bed position should allow the sleeper the widest possible perspective of the room. An anemic range of sight within the room can restrict the sleeper’s qi and his or her life vision. The larger the space in front of your bed, the more your life expands, breathes, and improves. For this reason, Geomancy cautions against placing the foot of the bed against a wall, which can block your career and cause foot and ankle problems. In addition, placing your bed directly against a side wall (with no space between the side of your bed and the wall) can make you feel cramped, stifled, and less flexible in life.

The visibility of the feng shui bedroom door

The fourth assertive principle states that you should clearly see the bedroom door from the bed. This concept means that when lying on your back in bed you are able to have an obstructed view of the door way. If you have to perform gymnastics or create new yoga positions to see who or what’s coming in the door, your bed position does not meet this principle.

Not seeing who’s approaching can keep you uncertain and on edge. Even if you think that you’re accustomed to not seeing the door, you still likely experience ongoing subconscious stress, which can create imbalance and frustration. The possibility of always being startled can keep you on edge, and over time, the continual tension and unrest can cause an imbalance in the nervous system. Results can include nervous problems, arrhythmia, and heart palpitations. In addition, repeatedly twisting the body to see whether someone’s coming can cause neck and spinal problems in the long run. Do not place a mirror in front of your bed for the sake of seeing the door; you have a different set of problems. Nightmares.

The direct line of path from the door to your bed feng shui

The fifth principle holds that the bed should not sit in the direct line of the path of the doorway. If your bed does sit in the direct line of the door, the chi of the door runs directly and too powerfully up the middle of the bed. This factor can create diseases along the midline of the body.

The further you sleep from the door and the more of the room you see while in bed, the more you can feel in control of your environment and, therefore, your life. Seeing the door to your bedroom symbolizes that you know what life is bringing and feel prepared to deal with whatever comes. You’re in command, and the results manifest positively in many areas of your life.

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Main Door https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/main-door/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:44:55 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=4541 Main Door Feng Shui Main Door plays a pivotal role in influencing good or bad home feng shui. Before buying your dream home, ensure that your main door is at the right location and right direction. 辩论三十篇 (阳宅门向辩): 阳宅首重大门,以大门为气口,纳气旺则吉,衰气则凶 八宅明镜....

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Main Door Feng Shui

Main Door plays a pivotal role in influencing good or bad home feng shui. Before buying your dream home, ensure that your main door is at the right location and right direction.

辩论三十篇 (阳宅门向辩): 阳宅首重大门,以大门为气口,纳气旺则吉,衰气则凶

八宅明镜 (门路篇): 宅无吉凶, 以门路为吉凶

Main Door faces kitchen entrance 风水大忌

Lately some new DBSS , BTO flats that i audited, main door faces kitchen door. This is bad feng shui layout (风水大忌). Likely effects are sickness, bad relationship, quarrelsome, financial losses or freak accidents 血光之灾. It gets worse if main door feng shui 三元 宅命 destiny chart consist of 2 5 energy combo (二黑病符 五黄廉贞) or 八宅相法-五鬼 or 奇门遁甲 Qi Men Dun Jia 死门 天芮星 庚庚

Main door faces window 穿堂风 over dramatise

The house that i audited, distance between Main Door and kitchen entrance is so close that you could hardly place a partition to neutralise the bad effects.

feng shui home newKitchen in feng shui is “fire element”. Besides the main door, kitchen door  or opening should not face any bedroom or toilet door. 

The audited unit also come with another feng shui flaw. The main door, kitchen and yard all in one straight line i.e. 3 openings. Feng shui call this as energy being rip off (扯水). Therefore this house is unable to retain 生气 life force vital energy.

In a different scenario if the main door faces a window and behind the window there is another taller building acting as a barrier then it is not known as 穿堂风. 穿堂风 is not as bad as how some Taiwan production on youtube. The bad effect is inability to keep money or wealth loss. But money today is not to keep under your bed but to re-invest. Money makes money not man makes money. Moreover accumulating wealth and attracting more money is 2 different thing. The later is proactive and former passive form of money management. In any case wealth loss is not necessary bad, spending $70k for a well deserved luxurious holiday sounds good to me.

Main Door most important in House Destiny  

Main door is important because it is the main source of energy for the whole family. Whether it attracts positive or negative energy depend on it’s location & direction. Besides, the “road” i.e. corridor, lift leading to the main door is also an important consideration.

Interestingly some masters still uses the window as the house destiny 宅命 orientation. One thing for sure we don’t climb through our windows to enter our home. In the absence of “human” factor there is no good or bad feng shui.

易经系辞传:天 timing / god’s blessing 地 environment/fengshui 人 human 三才

The great grand Master of Feng Shui 蔣大鴻, written in the Heavenly 5th symphony 天元五歌 quote “门为宅骨路为筋, 筋骨交连血脉均”. The main door is the backbone for the entire home feng shui.

入屋看门口,祸福知八九 it means by evaluating the door location & direction, one can tell how good or bad is the house.

It is a must condition that your main door is located within auspicious sector even if your Home Destiny chart 宅命 is good.

feng shui main door LiftMain Door clashes with Lift not necessary bad

One common misrepresentation is main door faces lift entrance is bad. If that is the case most premium condos with private lifts must be going in and out of hospital 3 times a year or went bankrupt. In order to judge whether is this bad energy we first have to determine which direction. Main door clashes with lift door in an auspicious direction is priceless, see feng shui quote below:


Since the lift is working 24/7 it accelerates energy, it can be positive or negative depending on your door’s direction & lift location. Main door faces lift by itself does not constitute good or bad feng shui.

Main Door faces your neighbour door 门 对 门 taboo

鲁班经 二家不可面相对,必主一家退 Effect: luck going downhill, quarrel? It is one of the taboo of feng shui to associate main door faces another door is bad. Look around Singapore apartment or HDB isn’t this common? Are we in trouble. The answer is “no”.

It will only create problem if you have a bad neighbour. When your neighbour hangs bagua mirror, uses reflective metal gate or place ferocious items such as lion or 貔貅.

Main Door faces staircase leading downwards

This is bad. It means financial loss. Some of these are emergency fire exits. The concept applies to escalators or slopes that is leading downwards drawing the “气 qi” away from your home.

Main Door faces an Angular wall (not right angle wall)

feng shui door

See picture, main door faces an angular wall formed 45 degree on each side looks like a “knife” cutting the house into half. This is bad main door feng shui but luckily not common in Singapore. More common are houses that face a 90 degree perpendicular wall. There is no “sha qi” from a perpendicular wall. If you look around within your house most furniture are perpendicular to you.

Youtube drama call it 壁刀煞 in my opinion so untrue. There are quite a number of HDB that i audited over the last 20 years and no negative feedback. However a handful of my clients still feel psychologically uncomfortable. The simple solution is to place a tall bushy plant to cover the view. This is psychological than feng shui.

Main Door faces a passageway / corridor

Another common sight are HDB corner units, main door facing common corridor. If the corridor is “open” leading to the door, meaning energy are unobstructed & dispersed it poses no problem. However if the corridor is enclosed by 2 walls where energy is constricted then it is bad energy or 杀气 sha qi.

Main door and Shoe Cabinet

There is nothing wrong having a shoe cupboard near to the doorway so long as it does not obstruct you from entering or leaving your house. The only concern is hygiene. It should be well-ventilated if not you may become the proud owner of fungus or mushroom farm at home.

Entrance space of Main Door should be bright

If your door is the end of an enclosed corridor or unusually dark then having lights inside the main door will solve the problem. It is also practical when you come back late at night.

Lastly i can’t say enough about the importance of main door influence in home feng shui. The above are basic rules for good main door feng shui.

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Kitchen Feng Shui https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/kitchen/ Mon, 03 May 2021 09:45:14 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=310 Kitchen Feng shui stove position 阳宅三要之一(灶位) Olden days management of kitchen feng shui essentially is to boost family’s health and to cure sicknesses. However in today’s context certain kitchen feng shui concepts are obsolete in view of less cooking, modern....

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Kitchen Feng shui stove position 阳宅三要之一(灶位)

Olden days management of kitchen feng shui essentially is to boost family’s health and to cure sicknesses. However in today’s context certain kitchen feng shui concepts are obsolete in view of less cooking, modern appliances & helper.

Those days the kitchen is located outside the house. Today we do not have the luxury of space. So what you are hearing now are modern day interpretations & adaptations of kitchen feng shui by individual feng shui masters “hands-on” or “academic” advices.

Water and Fire confrontation 水 火 相 冲 drama

Over 20 years of verification & feedback from my clients, no evidence of sickness were found when stove and sink (水 火 相 冲) are placed directly opposite or beside each other, period.

kitchen feng shuiHow do you classify which item is “fire” or “water” element

Most feng shui masters will categorise items such as refrigerator, washing machine, washing basin, tap, sink as water-element. Fire element items are microwave, burner (stove) and grill oven etc.

Given the limited space of today, you will observe that the kitchen sink is either located opposite or next or diagonal to the stove. This layout is common for most metropolitan cities such as Tokyo, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taipei. Sometimes due to lack of space some even stack up appliance such as microwave oven on top of washing machine and positioning the fridge directly opposite the stove. If this water-fire principle hold true at least 50% of people living in urban cities will fall sick. The effect of water-fire conflict causes intestine (digestion) or cardiovascular problems.

Washing machine with dryer – so how

Another ambiguity is how do we “classify” kitchen appliances as water or fire element? Let’s use washing machine as an example. Thanks to modern technology washing machine now comes with a dryer. So do you consider the water presence as water element or the dryer as fire? Does that mean you cannot buy a washer dryer combo because you are unable to classify the “correct” element due to it’s conflicting entity. 

Remember home feng shui is suppose to make our life happier and easier not miserable and harder!

Kitchen Door should not be directly opposite to Main Door

The main door should not be directly opposite to kitchen or toilet or bedroom door. This is really bad. It cause illnesses to the whole family, one of the major feng shui taboo 廚房 风水大忌 !

Latest Singapore DBSS flats come with Main Door directly faces the Kitchen Door! This layout sucks! It causes sicknesses to the entire family. With no rhyme or reason you and your loved ones falling sick one after another like dominoes. It also causes family disharmony. Family become bad-temper, short-fuse, financial loss or even accidents.

It get’s worse if it is this is within Home Destiny 宅命 bad energy sector. Those units i have seen, distance between the kitchen door and main door is less than 3 metre apart which makes effective feng shui rectification impossible.

Open kitchen – intense fire element 

Based on feng shui perspective, the essence is not the island kitchen concept but where do you place the stove? One should not place the stove opposite to the toilet or bed or any room doors.

In my opinion, open kitchen is not good for hygiene reasons. Your entire living hall smells and oily after a cooking session. There is no doubt that the kitchen area in feng shui is classify as fire-element. So if any one of your family member unlucky element is fire then it is best not to adopt this concept.

In view of the current trend of intense fire usage such as mobile phones, laptop, router, TV, PC, electronic toys, it is not encourage to have “open-kitchen” concept. Excessive fire energy in the house causes agitation, quick temper, cardiovascular/blood/heart issues.

Stove Direction questionable & outdated 坐凶朝吉

kitchen feng shui - directionThousand of years ago people used wood to feed the fire through an air opening 火门see picture below. Thus it make sense for traditional feng shui schools to calculate the direction 灶门朝向 of air flow. Eight Mansion school 八宅 stresses the importance of stove must sit at negative sector 坐宅主凶方 and positive air flow direction 朝宅主吉方. The formula is popular because this is for health enhancement.

Today’s stove direction are all modern inventions of feng shui masters because there are no written formulas to follow. Some masters use the gas pipe as the direction while others use the power switch/knob. Personally i practice none of the above because “direction” is inconclusive without the impact of air flow. For stove feng shui i used other formula schools to improve health or wealth.

Number of burners equates number of mistresses

Another appalling myth about kitchen feng shui is the number of burners. Hearsay one burner equates one wife, 2 burners = 1 wife and 1 mistress, how you wish. Most families have at least 3 burners, does that mean 1 wife and 2 mistresses.

Generally speaking, kitchen affects the female head of household. Thus one has to be mindful of unsanitary items found in kitchen such as rusty pipes, dirty plastic bags, old newspapers, leftover paint cans etc. This will affect the lower part of her body.

Do not place the stove beside kitchen opening

One basic rule of thumb based on “form” factors is that you should not place your stove beside the kitchen door or opening. And also not under any overhead beam.

Stove in NW sector – is it bad for male owner?

One common misconception is that the stove should not be located within the North-West sector of the house. It is symbolic to qian gua 乾卦 representing Male Head of household. Chinese classic consider it as 火烧天门不利主 harmful to the elderly or patriarch.

Let’s be objective about it. Since there are 8 sectors in a bagua. There is a 12.5% probability for an entire block that the NW sector is either kitchen area or missing. Then is it possible that for this entire block the father is deceased, missing, bad luck or sick? 

This is similar to the fallacies that North sector represents Career, South-East Wealth and South sector is fame and so forth. Following this reasoning if your house SE sector is missing it means your can’t make a living?

Don’t get me wrong i am not encouraging you to buy a house with missing sector/s.

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Living Hall https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/livinghall-fengshui/ Sat, 03 Apr 2021 16:51:22 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=256 Living Hall feng shui In today’s hectic world, quality family time seems almost impossible to achieve. Having a good feng shui living hall environment helps to create bonding and de-stress after a hard day’s work. Some may think that going....

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Living Hall feng shui

feng shui living hallIn today’s hectic world, quality family time seems almost impossible to achieve. Having a good feng shui living hall environment helps to create bonding and de-stress after a hard day’s work.

Some may think that going for an expensive holiday is the tool to do it. But think again. Family bonding can take place spontaneously at the comfort of your home. Every day.

Yin Yang feng shui design

A good feng shui design of your home living space can have a real effect on how the family interacts. We may not even realize that individuals adapt to the environment. Stuff like lighting, sound, furniture layout, and the types of furniture affects our comfort and mood. It can either create or destroy family bonding.

One major concept of Home feng shui is to balance the “yin and yang” energies in your house. For a more cosy feng shui to encourage open communication, one should create a more “yin 阴” environment such as selecting warmer colours, furniture, sofa. 

On the contrary an overly “yang” (active) energy theme that are colourful, vibrant will encourage motion and restlessness. Particularly those with west direction windows. A high energetic house at an unhealthy level makes one excitable, jumpy, easily agitated, unable to think clearly. Chances are occupants cannot sit still and likes to go out frequently. Bad effects are impatient, bad temper and disharmony among family members.

To quote chinese fengshui classic about “yin yang dualism”


We need the harmony between day and night, sun and moon, male and female, endless examples etc 

No Need for wall behind the sofa

In feng shui the placement of furniture and fittings are dictated by the destiny of the house calculation and birth profile analysis of family members. One of the misnomer about feng shui is that your living hall sofa should be backed against the wall based on “Forms” theory.

However if you think about this principle deeper, you will find that it very much depends on the size of your living hall. Take for an example those GCBs in Singapore that i came across has a huge living hall. And if one is to accomodate the “wall” at the back of a sofa for a spacious living hall then the owners would probably need to invest on a high powered binoculars to watch a 75 inches TV screen.

“Forms 峦头 theory” recommends that your sofa should not be against windows as it does not provide benefactors support hence bad in feng shui. However if you living hall is small then scientifically one would definitely feel more secure with the back of your sofa against the wall as opposed to window ( which is exposed ) on our back.

This is just one of the many feng shui principles to spruce up your living hall, please don’t follow it like the gospel truth.

Living Hall feng shui essentials

Living hall is the connection between you and the outside world. Having a good feng shui living hall will enhance harmony and relationships in your home. This is the place where you spend quality time with your family members. A well audited living hall will improve your career, wealth and luck as this is the space to greet your guests, colleagues, friends and superiors.

1. The living hall should be regular in shape without any missing sectors. 

2. The obvious wealth 明财位 sector is 45 degree diagonally opposite the main door. It should not be a passageway or door or window. This sector helps to accumulate the household wealth. You should keep this area bright, clean and “alive” – you can have potted evergreen plants like money plant or Rohdea japonica (万年青) or this can be your sitting area. However this is not as important as “driving wealth” to your home from the main door.

3. The living hall should be after the main door entrance, if the layout is such that you have to pass through a dark corridor before the hall, then one should illuminate the corridor. A dark corridor before leading to the living room encourage sicknessess and “unwanted” guests.

Also ensure that the entrance space to the living room should not be obstructed unless advice by feng shui master to channel positive energies. It is important that the flow of “air” “qi” “chi” from the front to the back of your home is not hindered.  

4. Please do not self create overhead beams on the ceiling for decorations.

5. There should not be sharp angular walls (not perpendicular walls) potruding towards the centre of the hall.

6. Do not place any ferocious animal paintings like tigers in the living hall and if there are sharp objects like swords then keep together with scabbards unexposed. Not having sheath will encourage violence, bad temper and freak accidents.

7. Use materials that is either suitable to the house destiny and more importantly suitable to occupants bazi profiles.

8. Choose warm lightings, pastel colours scheme for your living hall, strong colours like bright red should be avoided unless it is a feature wall with special significance to a certain household member ( under the advice of feng shui consultant ). Neither should you choose cold colours or metallic colours unless under advisement.

9. Plants are generally encourage in the living hall as it represents “vibrancy” to the house. You can place it in the East or South-East Sector.

10. Some designers love to place mirrors on the walls to make the living hall looks bigger, avoid facing the doors and windows. 

11. Do not have any clutter in your living hall. If really due to space constraint, hide it. Having a messy living hall, retards the circulatory system and affects the health of the family. If you house has a small living hall, use simple furniture and light colours.

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