
Pre-purchase or pre-rental onsite or offsite feng shui evaluation 

Pre-purchase or pre-rental feng shui helps you to choose an auspicious feng shui 吉 apartment, to supplement your family’s health, relationships, financial security and other key aspects of life.  

东方科学 宅吉运凶 当减其恶    宅凶运吉 其福难显

pre-evaluation is NOT solely based on Bazi suitability

Most think that choosing a good feng shui home is based on Bazi or Gua number or Ziwei profile suitability. The question is who’s bazi are we going to use because a standard family nucleus consist of 3 to 4 members?

When feng shui started in China, it was the era of feudalism 封建 where the male head of household is the indisputable choice. In today’s context do you think is valid? 

Go for a Positive Home Feng shui’s 宅命 Natal Chart

feng shui pre-evaluation

First of all, one have to choose a Positive “Home feng shui DESTINY chart”

A POSITIVE Home feng shui Energy chart suits various bazi configurations within a family.

2nd ensure the positive energy 旺气 of individual sector fits the external environment and internal layout. For e.g. an auspicious energy combo 88 or 99 should be at the location of main door 玄空飞星组合. The window or balcony directions should face “current & prosperous energy  三元纳气法 下元旺气 , master room, stove within positive sectors among others.

In home or business feng shui Key functional areas “locations” such as main door, CEO room, kitchen etc are important criteria than unit directions. 

pre evaluation feng shui audit

not all negative energies can be fix 100%

黄帝内经: 人因宅而立, 宅因人而存, 人宅相扶, 感通天地, 地善则苗秀, 宅吉则人荣

Certain bad layout, external environment and negative energies can’t be rectify totally. Getting a good feng shui house reduces the risks of sickness, financial lost, divorce, poor business and so forth. 

feng shui pre purchase

4 critical pre-evaluation feng shui factors 阳宅三要 + 宅命:

a. external physical landforms and internal layout
b. Destiny Chart 宅命 of the house using 三元 天心正运 

c. main door location & direction 阳宅三要 之首
d. bed & stove positions 阳宅三要

Position and direction of windows – San Yuan Energy Optimisation 三元纳 旺气

a good feng shui home/office requires time

The stringent criteria to get an “above average” feng shui unit takes about 3 months or more if you are lucky. Since there is no “perfect feng shui”, one have to consider buying or renting the unit where the positives far outweigh the negatives.

why throw good money after bad 

One usual question is “why can’t you fix a bad feng shui unit?”

A simple answer is why waste a few millions on a house that needs fixing? Moreover some home or office feng shui is so bad that it cannot be 100% rectified due to structural flaws. For instance you can’t re-locate the Main Door. 

Pre Eval feng shui does not include recommendations & remedies 

The difference between pre-evaluation vs feng shui audit is that remedies or solutions are not included in the consultation. Feng shui cures such as bed placement, study area, ID etc falls under  feng shui audit.

However you will know the pros and cons about the house feng shui during onsite, so you can make a wise purchase. No follow-up written report. The report is unnecessary because pre-evaluation is a screening process to get a good feng shui home.

曾氏风水 onsite  comparison ltd to 3 visits for the same day

HDB apartment $500 for the first unit and additional $250 per unit for 2nd/3rd/4th unit to compare on the same day (cannot carry forward), within the same vicinity. For 2 level units such as EM is $650 and additional cost for subsequent unit is the same.
EC/private apartment/condo $800 for the first unit and additional unit to compare at $300 on the same day, same premise within walking distance.
For 2-storey condo $900 for the first unit and additional unit to compare is the same.
Single storey landed property is $988. $100 extra for additional floor level. Additional 2nd or 3rd house unit to compare on the same day at $480 each within the same vicinity.
Commercial office/retail shop

$788 for 1 level office or shop that is less than 1000 sq ft. For sizes that is above 1000 sq ft you can email me for a quote.

*Subsequent units for comparison is limited to maximum 3 per day within walking distance.

Email details to prior to visit 

  • Name, mobile number and address of interested property to purchase
  • Floor plan. 
  • Birth details necessary if “single” occupant

terms & conditions

payment: Cheque payment is not accepted. A good faith deposit of $100 to book the appointment and full payment of the balance by cash or PayNow, PayLah to mobile no: 9071 2121 onsite. 

The appointment is confirmed after the deposit is made. Any cancellation the deposit is not refundable. You are allowed to postpone once. Onsite visits weekdays 3pm onwards

Off-Site Pre-purchase feng shui (uncompleted properties BTO)

How it works

A precise degree of the house facing is necessary. This can be derived from the project architect siteplan North. The accuracy of the consultation depends on it. 

You can select 1 to 3 stacks of your choice for the “same project” to compare. 

A comparative analysis on the positives & negatives based on (a) destiny 宅命 (b) Main Door (c) stove and (d) bedroom 阳宅三要相宅法 of your pre-selected units. Remedies are not covered for this consultation.

Details to submit

  • Email property brochure of your desired project 
  • Brochure with site plan (accuracy is dependent on siteplan North)
  • Unit Floor plan 
  • Pre-select 1 to 3 stacks of your choice, clearing stating block number.
  • Full payment for stacks of your choice

OFF-SITE Pre-Purchase Evaluation Fees

Subjected to a maximum of 3 units/stacks of your choice

hdb base price for first unit is $600 and additional unit is $300 per unit
pte apt base price for first unit is $800 and additional unit is $300 per unit
base price for first unit for a 2 floors landed is $1600 

other configuration of the house please email me details

lead time: 8 business days upon full payment via paynow or paylah for non-peak season

contact or watsapp:
master chan +65 90712121
onsite weekdays 3pm (no public holidays, Sat & Sun)


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