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Uncover the secrets of 三元 feng shui 9th Luck Cycle trends from 04 Feb 2024 to 04 Feb 2044. Understand the trends that may help you to decide your career directions or money-making opportunities.
Year 2024 the 9th luck cycle commences
Li Gua South, Fire 离卦火 (离中虚)
War – Artificial intelligence – mental/spiritual awakening – cryptocurrency – digital asset – online shopping – explosion – fire hazard – global warming – female – beauty – eyes – heart – internet, solar energy, scam, con artist, environmental concerns
Based on San Yuan 三元九运 for the next 20 years we are under the influence of 离卦 外实内虚 Li Gua represents South location, Fire element, culture, spiritual awakening, scam and many others
Feng Shui the 9th Luck cycle 外实 内虚
Look around what businesses has a “real” front and minimal “internal” staff. Some examples are online shopping sites, such as lazada, amazon shopee, companies with staff working from home
Another trend is cryptocurrency such as bitcoin which is not a “physical” money per se. It is digital currency that has a value in the market place. Consider also “cashless” payment where there is no “physical dollar” exchange.
离者 火 fire 文明 civility enlightened 南方 south 丽也 beauty 眼睛 eyes 心脏 heart 血管 blood 太阳 sun 为日 day 战争 war 电electric 中女 middle age woman…
Another characteristic of fire is it burns rapidly and requires assistance (附丽)” to burn.
Rising media platforms like youtube, facebook, watsapp, instagram, twitter, mobile, tablet are new norms in digital marketing.
It is no surprise that a digital celebrity could be more famous and earned more than a movie star.
Feng shui period 9 opportunities
The rejuvenation of civility 文明. The world has progress so rapidly that many have forgotten or even written-off moral values, societal consciousness, environment etc.
Period 9 is an awakening call & reshuffling of new priorities in life. Environmental consciousness, language, values, culture, higher learning/education, ethics, morals, reemerge as top priority. Some of these trends already taking baby steps like electric car saving Mother Earth.
The Sun – global warming
Symbolic to fire is the Sun, heat, daylight and brightness. It represents heart, blood and eyes. Female age group from 20 to 39, 2nd daughter. Thus during this 20 years, female rising into power in all front such as political, business, celebrities and military etc. Particularly those with beautiful eyes because Li is symbolic to our eyes. Your loving daughter today can be the next prime minister!
Fire (亮丽) symbolic to beauty & light. Therefore businesses directly or related to beauty or light are good. If your business type are unrelated, try tweaking your marketing efforts towards providing “aesthetic lifestyle benefits”. Whatever your product or service it must look pretty!
Other trending businesses are facelift, plastic surgery, cosmetics, botox, fat freezing, rejuvenation etc. Industries related to A.I., robotics, education, genome, blood, heart, mobile apps etc.
If you are an investor consider stocks that belongs to the “fire” element industry and properties in the South or North.
war – beauty – AI – tech – cyber attacks
Li gua represents fame, popularity, creativity, emotions. Some examples are beauty pageants, makeup artist, modelling, performance arts, religious leaders, psychologist, beautician, cosmetic surgery etc.
Health, growing concern related to heart, eyes, blood, cardiovascular system, psychological/neuro-sickness and brain.
This era see increased interest in mental, religion, spiritual, environmental and social concerns.
Li Gua 离卦 further meanings
I Ching draws the analogy on survival skills of living things with hard shell. These are exoskeleton species such as snail, crab, tortoise, crustaceans, clam, beetle.
Due to the “fire” element influences, issues such as global warming, ice melting, forest fires, volcano eruption and even war possibilities.
Singapore in period 9 feng shui 玄空 — 零 正 催 照
South – prosperous Qi 旺气 and North – water
For the next 20 years south location/direction is 正神方- 旺气 most auspicious “qi”!
As a rule of thumb, the house SHOULD NOT have South facing/direction waters such as sea, rivers, reservoir, lake, drainage etc. South windows or door or balcony is to attract “纳当令旺气“ qi (air energies) not water.
On the flip side, the opposite North direction should attract “water” 零神纳水 for wealth energies. Here we are not talking about putting a fish tank in the North sector of your home but an actual “sea”. Because the “pull” of energy from a fish tank is a feeble attempt to draw pressure.
The air pressure from land and sea breeze is to draw Qi from South direction and retain it in the North location (sea) to have any significant impact!
Another favourable water direction (position) is Southeast 巽卦4催官水 (生成之數), particularly suitable for leaders, civil servants, CEOs where authority & power is necessary. This is derived from luo shu . Lastly 照神水 NorthWest 合十五 use under certain conditions.
In my humble opinion, countries facing North direction waters will do well after 2024 and countries facing South direction waters is going to be bad.
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