"classical wisdom, modern inspirations"
Chinese Bazi luck duration is segmented into 10 years per pillar (cycle) and influence by annual zodiac year. Effects of our life events unfolds when Bazi 10-year luck pillar interacts with our Day Master (the day we are born) year, month and time of birth. As the saying goes, luck is “preparation meets opportunity”. Chinese bazi reading 子平八字学 help us to prepare our future by giving clues to what is going to happen in the future.
Bazi luck reading is dependable upon:
a. our day master strength & yin/yang.
b. birth structure 八字格局 fundamentally wealth, career, education & family.
c. 10-Years Luck 十年大运 timing of events e.g. marriage
c. annual luck 流年运气 (zodiac year) interaction with your 10-Year luck pillar
an upperhand about your future
A good read on our bazi help us to take advantage of our future. A positive person will make preparations when the future is bad while a negative person will complain and do nothing about it. In today’s competitive global environment we could use some help by understanding our future to gain a competitive advantage to advance our career, relationships, businesses or investments.
Chinese birth reading shorten your learning curve
An in-depth birth profile analysis will reveal the type of person you are, your inert talent, personality, strengths & weaknesses We are unique and owe it to ourselves to know. Take for example, bazi reveals that you are a political animal then working in a bureaucratic environment suits you. Or you are good with ideas, creative-solving skills, therefore working in a highly fluid organisation fits. It is not a benchmark to compare who is better, but a revelation on who does a better job based on your own strengths and passion.
Some birth profiles work well to stay on in the same organisation for many years and promotion will be handed to them on a silver platter. On the contrary others need to job-hop to advance their career. These insights are helpful because it saves time and unnecessary effort.
What makes us tick
Chinese luck reading help us to understand what motivate us. Strangely it is not always about money, some are power-hungry while others freedom of expressions. Chinese bazi reading believed that we need to understand ourselves 知命 before we can make it work for us 立命. Confucius quote 不知命無以為君子, 不知命就不會去修命,不修命就無法安身立命, it means if we don’t really understand who we really are, how can we improve and be better.
There is this famous chinese wisdom that goes like this:
一命 Destiny or Fate 二运 Luck 三风水 Feng shui 四积德 Doing Good 五读书 Study 六名 Name 七相 Facial 八敬神 Respect God 九交贵人 Networking with the Right People 十养生 Self-preservation
Chinese Bazi reading accounting your assets and liabilities
Here is an example of bazi chart and it’s relationship with 10-year luck pillar. Day Master Weak Geng Metal and favourable elements are “wet earth” and water.
Every 8 X 10 year chart consist of one 10-year bad luck duration
Life has it’s ups and downs. It is “downtime” that make us stronger. In a standard 8 x 10 year chinese bazi luck chart, it is common to have one bad 10-Year period. Bazi luck reading call it clashes of zodiac sign 六 冲!
How well we crawl out from the dark hole depends on our endurance and will power. We can also consider using feng shui home or office or bazi lucky element enhancement to smoothen our life’s journey.
What to do when your life is in a dark hole
1. Make hay while the sun shines
Check the highs and lows of your 10-year luck. Capitalise on your high, save and reinvest. Buffer your lows with secondary plans. Take for e.g. your 10-year luck reveals losing your job, then pick up a new skill before the time comes. Stay in touch with your networks. Seek out your bazi nobleman or benefactors but it still depends on your bazi useful elements. Most important keep calm. Bad times bring out the best in us.
Try appreciation. Some are born without eyes or limbs? i am not suggesting mediocracy, just be more thankful to live life as it is. If we learn to see the beauty, big or small, we learn to live a life of gratitude.
2. Increase your vitality through bazi lucky element
All of us have experienced challenges or ‘bad’ things in our lives. As we get older, this can considerably burden us with fear, decrease our vitality and create diseases. Consider taking up exercises that suits your bazi 5 elements.
Do exercises and go to places that are favourable to your elements using qi men dun jia or other feng shui formulas to improve your luck no matter how small it is. There is no point whining or complaining.
3. Create abundance
Gratitude decreases ‘brain noise’ we create from continually reliving old negative scenarios in our mind of anger or pain. i believed you heard about the laws of attraction, stay positive. Futhermore when we are grateful, our thoughts automatically make us feel more abundant, more fulfilled and more lovable. This, in turn, will attract more of the same in our lives.
4. Charity
Get involve in charity works. Look after those that are more unfortunate than you.
5. Don’t waste your money buying Annual feng shui products
Trust me it does not work. i have gone through that learning curve during the first 3 years of my feng shui exploration. Most of the things we need in life are already build into our system. Try our bazi reading service if you like and you will find that most of the recommendations are down-to-earth and effective. However do not over expect because we have to acknowledge our limitations to how much we can do.
6. Go Overseas
Go overseas, take a break and stop worrying. Tomorrow will take care of itself!
7. Feng shui your home and office
Make use of feng shui home or office to improve your luck and balance the elements in your bazi configuration. Try to “artificially” simulate yourself with the lucky elements that you need (non feng shui items) if you have your personal bedroom. Check out your home or office feng shui to improve your career or business or simply family relationships. The lesser the luck you have, the more you need feng shui to help you.
8. Edit your name and make it lucky
Consider upgrading your Chinese name to suit your bazi luck profile. Promote your new name over social media to improve your 10 year luck.
9. Stay Positive, have Faith and Endure
Positive thinking is a mental and emotional state that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results. A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. Likewise we are affected by the people surrounding us. Meet negative people we end up crying over each other troubles. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through words, thoughts and feelings, and through body language. People tends to help us, if we are stayed positive, and dislike or avoid us if we whines and broadcast negativity.
10. Make Positive Affirmations a part of your life
The mind cannot tell the difference between positive or negative; It is what we repeatedly think and say is what you get. The greatness of the human mind is that it can turn thoughts and words into reality. Make positive affirmations every morning and good luck will happen in your life!
“whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!”