Chinese Birth Reading

Chinese Birth Reading 

chinese birth readingChinese birth reading or Bazi reveals our talents,  strengths, weaknesses, future in 10-years luck cycle,  life’s directions such as career, wealth, relationships and others.

It  is a chinese metaphysics system to analyse your Destiny based on Date of Birth & Time.

Analysis is based on Chinese Zi Ping Fa 子平法.The probability to calculate the Birth Natal Chart is 1/60 x 1/12 x 1/60 x 1/13 = 1/561,600. If we add 10-Year luck pillars x 2 = 1/1,123,200 combination. We multiply by 2 is because male and female 10-Yr luck pillars are reversed.

Compared with others such as Astrology signs 1/12, Blood type 1/4, ZiWei 1/144 basic formations, Chinese Animal Signs 1/12 and others. One have to admit that ZiPing Birth reading is a far more accurate system.

birth reading

先天命数 Inborn Talents vs Acquired Knowledge 后天改善

One should not surrender 100% to our inborn fate. We can make better choices through education,  experiences, mentor (benefactor) self awareness through bazi reading or other means.

Enpower with this knowledge, we can take positive actions with the help of home/office feng shui, qi men, balancing our Birth Natal chart, “look out” for opportunities and other ways to turn bad luck into good.

the truth about bazi reading

GOOD LUCK is NOT wearing make-believe lucky charms 

东方科学 信而不迷 方能得益  命随心改 运随心转 改善命运 认识自己 改性格

Don’t lie to yourself thinking that wearing some “so-called lucky charms” will improve your luck! if our life issues is so easily resolve, one will not meet with unfortunate events. Then life’s journey is free from suffering, broken marriages, career crisis, financial troubles, illnesses etc.

In my opinion, wearing lucky charms without effort, is the easiest way out to make us feel better. Why pay thousands on make-believe products? You are better off donating the money to charities. 

积德行善,必有余庆 (周易)   天道无亲, 常与善人 (老子道德经)

Learn to accept and take charge of your future

知命 运命  改心  改态度 预知运势  积极面对 提升生活

Let me share a secret with you.

Life-changing solutions are inbuilt with you. It is self-discipline, positive attitude, personality tweak, effort to change your daily habits, better networking etc. 

The reading itself does not magically transform your luck.

The rationale for the consultation is to raise self-awareness, expose your personality strengths & flaws, so that you can work on it. Revelations about your future puts you in the control seat so that you can deal with your life challenges and rewards.  For e.g. if your 10-year luck forecast reveals your career is going uphill, you can make “pro-active” preparations like switching up your career, develop a new skill, start your own business.  

On the flip side, anticipating setbacks helps you to make adjustments and course-correcting decisions/actions. One can’t let “destiny” dictate our fate.

are you comfortable when you are uncomfortable 

bazi master chan

First accept who you are.

After so many years of hands-on consultation experiences i came to the conclusion that it is not a situation where there are no solutions but it is really difficult to dance when your life hit a rough patch. It demands courage & determination to accept, adapt and take corrective action.

It requires you to step out of your comfort zone, alter your attitude thereby changing your behaviour.

Bottom line is your attitude, effort & discipline to embrace who you are and alter your lifestyle, habits, behaviour & expectations to effect a more meaningful & fruitful life for yourself. Obviously “change” is not easy. Some tweaking on your home feng shui can provide supplementary help but the real deal is still YOU! 

Change can be a painful process “if” we view it negatively.

No one can improve your luck except yourself! Chinese birth reading tells you how, why & what. The onus is on you to decide how you going to deal with it. We provide the recipe you do the cooking. 

If you are unsure about your future and constantly underachieving your goals (even with discipline, education, focus, hard work etc) then this Chinese birth reading service may help you to with some answers in life and reduce your anxieties.

子平八字 Bazi Reading in 2 format 

Please note that you must come with an open, receptive mind. The courage to accept and prepare to change your habits/lifestyle to make a difference. Because the consultation will reveal the good, bad and ugly about you.

A. Face-to-face consultation $800

A face-to-face discussion with Bazi Master Chan 曾 helps you to gain a better perspective about yourself and aspects of life surrounding you. It is a heart-to-heart discussion that requires your complete honesty about yourself. The difference between verbal & written is waiting time and fluidity because it is unstructured unlike written report.

The 2 hour plus session will objectively help you to understand yourself better, your potential, career, opportunities, relationships and others. It helps you to make better decisions for your future.

There is no written report just a short summary so do prepare to take notes.

Consultation by appointment only.

Email your birth details by day/mth/yr with time of birth (Gregorian calendar from your birth cert), mobile no and name to

A good faith deposit of $100 by paynow or paylah to mobile no: 9071-2121 is confirm the appointment. If you cancel the appointment the $100 deposit will be forfeited. Balance of payment to be collected at the end of consultation. 

Business days and Working hours: 2.30pm – 6pm (no Sat, Sun & public holidays)

B. Written Format $2000 (please check with me before making payment)

part 1 – Day Master & Structure 日主, 月令, 格局

a. day Master – who are you? 八字体用 vis-à-vis with birth structure 八字格局高低 quality?
b. birth structure beneficial vs unhelpful elements? 喜忌配合 有情无情? 有力无力?
c. quality of your useful element, rooting, intensity etc
d. profile deviation – Standard 正格 or Non-standard 从格 
e. bazi structural options using which element 用神調候通关 (not necessary all present)
f. where are the hurdles and prizes?

part 2 – Birth profile traits, motivations & directions

This section tells you, “who you really are”. Day Master SWOT analysis. Where your talents lie, your inner motivations and what directions you should take.

part 3 – Graphic presentation of your future with succinct comments 

A plotted graph of your life i.e. past, current & future 8 x 10 year Luck pillar. The focus is on current 10-Year luck period and the future. What preparations, directions and course of action for each individual 10-year phase. 

part 4 – Recommendations to improve your life

Tips to help you with Health, Career, Marriage, Fengshui, Timing etc. What you need to do to improve your life, not some talisman and hope that luck will improve without effort.

full payment to get started.
local payment by PayNow or PayLah to my mobile no: 9071 2121
Waiting time about 3 months for a written report.
Information needed: Birth details (Solar/English calendar) including time (no need to adjust for Singapore time difference) &
Gender. Any realistic objectives to focus on. 

credit card only for overseas  payment 

contact or watsapp:
master chan +65 90712121

Testimonials , more in google places

Cornelia Koo

Steven Yee




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