
Home feng shui

Home Destiny Feng Shui Service 宅命 玄空挨星风水 佈局 Master Chan 曾 Home Destiny feng shui 三元玄空挨星诀 宅命风水 consultation is to provide you & your family a positive home environment for good health, prosperity, harmony & happiness. Our talents and life….

auspicious chinese name

Baby Auspicious Chinese Name 宝宝取名 service  The objective for an auspicious Chinese name is to correct your child’s birth profile (bazi) 5 element-imbalance 调理 八字五行不平衡 & identify 八字格局体用神 at an early stage. 子平八字 体用神 – 格局, 调候, 扶抑, 通关, 病药….

Business feng shui

Business Feng Shui service 商业风水佈局 东方科学与知慧 Master Chan 曾 business feng shui is to recreate a positive working environment so as to increase sales & profits by attracting vital life 三元纳气 and managing 玄空挨星 宅命风水 office Destiny’s Energy.  The approach….

Chinese Birth Reading

Chinese Birth Reading 明得失,知进退 Authentic Chinese birth reading or Bazi reading is Definitely Not wearing your lucky colours or buying “blessed” feng shui recommendations or “blessed” personal talisman. The truth of Bazi Reading is deep understanding: (a) of your inborn….


Pre-purchase or pre-rental onsite or offsite feng shui evaluation  Pre-purchase or pre-rental feng shui helps you to choose an auspicious feng shui 吉 apartment, to supplement your family’s health, relationships, financial security and other key aspects of life.   东方科学 宅吉运凶….

Overseas feng shui

Overseas feng shui  For overseas clients, master chan can offer on-site or off-site feng shui consultations using various popular feng shui formulas namely xuan kong flying star, san he (trinity), qi men dun jia, eight mansions, bazi or any other….


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