Life Aspects

Why Bazi reading

Why Bazi reading 子平法 An individual Bazi reading is based on the analysis of Year , Month, Day and time of birth. The Bazi reading system consist of 60 甲子 Jia Zi, comprising 10 stems 天干 and 12 roots 地支…..

Bazi Career Calling

Bazi Career Calling – find the job you really enjoy doing One can integrate 2 popular formulas of Chinese Birth reading, 子平法 Zi Ping and 紫微斗数 Zi Wei Dou Shu (Purple Star) to choose the most suitable career for yourself…..

auspicious chinese name

Auspicious Chinese name  An auspicious chinese name compensate inadequacies in a person’s 5-Element Birth Chart  configuration (year, month, day and  time of birth) 八字体用 & 格局 喜忌用神. A famous chinese saying by Confucius’ analects state 名不正,则言不顺;言不顺,则事不成 Our Bazi is imperfect….

feng shui study area

how to feng shui your child’s study area 文昌 A good feng shui study area help your child to focus. Listed here are 4 simple D.I.Y. methods and tips to improve your child’s learning abilities. Seriously clearing clutter again The….

love star 桃花

How to feng shui love star An individual with a strong peach blossom star 桃花星 in their bazi is like a human magnet. On the other hand there are those who are less fortunate who requires some feng shui help….

Bazi Character

Bazi Character (心性与性格) who we really are Generic traits and character is a complex subject. Why do we need to understand our generic traits心性 and character 性格? Reasons are to understand our inner passion, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, so as to….


Feng shui health tips Here some handy home feng shui health tips to improve your family fitness. One of my key principle & objective of home feng shui consultation is No Health = No Wealth. Without health one can’t even….


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