"classical wisdom, modern inspirations"
There are many feng shui wealth techniques to find out where is your home or office prosperity sector.
Here are the simple ones for your own identification. i give my own personal ratings on each method based on past 20 years of hands-on experience.
The “wealth location 财位” with the most overlapped from the 6 formulas is your home supreme wealth sector. You should activate the Best not all if not your home will look like a Chinese restaurant. Quality wins Quantity all the time.
One thing for sure Southeast corner is not your home wealth sector. It is just a feng shui cliche, how is it possible that all houses having the same wealth sector? Then why the need to pay feng shui masters for home or office consultation?
Once you have identify your home feng shui wealth sector, you can simply use water with living things to activate e.g. water-growing plants or a mini fish tank or water feature. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to buy feng shui products such as jadeite or 3 legged toad to enhance home or office feng shui wealth location.
Annual wealth star 8 紫白飞星 八白 Rating 7.5/10 Energy school
2014-S, 2015-N, 2016-SW, 2017-E, 2018-SE, 2019-ctr, 2020-NW, 2021-W, 2022-NE, 2023-S
The effectiveness of xuan kong annual flying star is only for 1 year thereby it ranks the highest. For this year 2014 at south sector and next year north. The remaining years you can visit this blog for full details of the yearly feng shui forecast.
8 Mansion wealth 生气位 5/10 – Personal 人命 Gua Number
This is using your Year of birth Gua Number to determine the 生气 sector. This location only benefits you.
Home Gua – 8 Mansion Feng Shui 宅命 生气为 5/10
Similary you can use your home gua number to derive the 生气 sector which benefits the house or office feng shui.
Bazi Wealth 禄元 entire lifetime Rating 7/10
You would need your birth chart to find out your Day Master. This can be found in most mobile apps or internet search. As for FSM clients your Day Master is in the feng shui report.
Day Master: 甲 – NE 寅, 乙- E 卯,丙 & 戊 – 巳 SE, 丁 & 己 – S 午, 庚 – SW 申,辛 – W 酉, 壬 – NW亥
Home Destiny Flying Star Chart Rating 7/10
Your Home destiny innate flying star chart 三元玄空飞星风水 given to all FSM clients. For period 8 chart 2004-2023 you have to locate the water star 8 which is the right side numeral and period 9 2024-2043 location of water star 9.
With the right gua symbolism at the right sector can be as high as 7 our of 10.