"classical wisdom, modern inspirations"
Over the last couple of years, many were confused with the forthcoming period 9 feng shui i.e. after 04 feb 2024.
Most were misinformed to “redo” their home destiny feng shui or deluded into thinking of moving house. This is unnecessary unless your home feng shui possess a bad Period 8 or 7 destiny chart! Moreover changing to Period 9 Destiny Chart maybe good for certain directions and worse off for others. Some even requested me to find a Home Destiny that fits both Xuan Kong Luck Cycle 8 & 9 omg.
Re-Focus on Energies “9 旺气 & 1 生气”
Home Natal 宅命 Energy chart is derived from San Yuan feng shui formula 三元玄空风水. Which is just 1 of the many feng shui formulas. There are other popular principles such as “Eight Mansions 八宅法” theory which does not depend on timing, 三合, 奇门遁甲 and many others.
A House Feng Shui Destiny Energy map is analogous to a human birth chart. Our natal chart DOES NOT CHANGE. It is our focus that have to change.
Using a Period 8 Destiny Chart as an example 子山午向 八运宅命盘 see above illustration. Sitting North facing South Period 8 Home Destiny chart, the health & wealth energy is in the South sector “double 8” which is the best energy between 2004 to 2024 feb.
After 04 feb 2024 which is call period 9 or 9th luck cycle the focus is on “energy 9 当令旺气” in your existing Destiny chart.
Focus on Energy 9 based on your existing Destiny chart
Looking at the same Period 8 Destiny Chart example, one will discover that Health 9 energy is in North sector and Wealth 9 is in Northeast. Here i will not discuss the negativities of 97 and 79 combo which have to be rectify before activation.
In a nutshell you don’t have to shift house every 20 years if your house possess good feng shui. Having say that, there are some Luck cycle 8 Home Destiny charts becomes bad in period 9 i.e. 反吟.
One can consider changing to a period 9 Destiny chart if your existing Destiny 8 chart is bad.
Period 9 destiny NO positive health & wealth charts 到山到向
As for your existing Home Destiny charts whether period 7 or 8, do ensure that the Health or Wealth star “9” is NOT trap in the center of your house. Xuan kong 三元玄空 term it as “imprisonment 旺星入囚”.
Lastly don’t get excited over Period 9 destiny charts. All Period 9 charts only possess either positive Health OR positive Wealth natal charts. There isn’t any 旺山旺向 i.e. Positive Health & Wealth charts.
9th Luck cycle only comes with “supplementary” help i.e. 运星与山星合十 or 水星合十, 城门诀, 七星打劫. However the supporting help other than 合十 is difficult to carry out because of structural constraints.
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