Category Archives: Principles

Auspicious Date is Significant

Why auspicious date selection is important Many ignore the significance of choosing an auspicious date for important events such as renovation, move-in, wedding etc. The repercussions for choosing a bad date and time can have a damaging effect ! Olden….

bad luck how?

How do we respond to bad luck? What if you are make aware that your bazi structure or 10-year luck pillar or annual luck indication is bad. Most masters will probably advise you to wear your lucky colours, home/office feng….


FAQ Q. Hi, we are moving into a new apartment later this summer. May I know how Master Chan charges for a feng shui audit? What is the type of fengshui that u will be practicing? Charges of feng shui….

Business Feng Shui Destiny

Business (office) feng shui Destiny 商业风水宅命 When i started doing feng shui 20 years ago, the term “Office’s innate Destiny Energy 宅命 Chart” is unheard of.  An office destiny chart is like human birth chart. It reveals the strengths and….

2024 feng shui forecast

2024 feng shui forecast

2024 Wood Dragon Not promising 一动不如一静 2024 Year of Wood Dragon 甲辰年 is a very bad year. Filled with mishaps, freak accidents, natural disaster, stagnant economy etc. Learn how to optimize the 2024 feng shui and protect yourself against potential….

why feng shui

Why feng shui audit if our birth chart (fate) is fixed the day we were born. Most people have the misunderstanding that “feng shui” is a “life-changing” experience. It is NOT! It improves your opportunities to realise your life goals…..

Feng Shui tips

Here are some handy feng shui tips for you to unlock positive energy into your home without engaging a feng shui master. 1.Keep your house clean and tidy. Start small and form a daily habit. (a) Categorise things or belongings….

Fengshui the 9th luck cycle

feng shui period 9

the 9th luck cycle of fengshui – Fire element 离卦 五行火 Uncover the secrets of 三元 feng shui 9th Luck Cycle trends from 04 Feb 2024 to 04 Feb 2044. Understand the trends that may help you to decide your career….

Period 9 confusion

Period 9 feng shui confusion Over the last couple of years, many were confused with the forthcoming period 9 feng shui i.e. after 04 feb 2024. Most were misinformed to “redo” their home destiny feng shui or deluded into thinking….

About Master Chan 曾

Feng Shui & Bazi Master Chan 曾 风水 八字  Master Chan 曾 positively the only feng shui master in Singapore who adopt an objective and scientific approach in feng shui & birth reading (bazi) applications. What is Feng Shui “What….

11 Buying Tips for a lucky Feng Shui home

11 buying tips for a feng shui home Here are 11 basic feng shui buying tips to choose a lucky home.  First of all, choose a “positive feng shui home 吉宅” where the destiny’s energies 宅命  of the house is….

Key collection

Key collection, initial door opening – NO feng shui basis Based on authentic feng shui principles there is no such thing as “key-collection” ceremony or any date-selection formulas for “initial door-opening” or “key-collection”. 董公择日 黄道黑道 the Chinese almanac (通胜 / 通书/….

Destiny 宅命 vs Annual 流年

Difference between Destiny vs Annual feng shui  Many clients are confused the difference between Destiny vis-a-vis Annual feng shui   Business or Home Destiny feng shui is analogous to a “human birth natal chart”. Just like one’s birthdate, it does….


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