Category Archives: Principles

feng shui myths

15 Feng Shui Myths debunk Some of these feng shui myths seem to stay on forever since i started doing feng shui more than 20 years ago. Most of us are well educated with master’s degrees yet appalling feng shui….

what is Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui Feng shui originates from imperial China 五术 (wu shu) 山医命相卜 covering 5 major aspects. Mountain, medicine, destiny, physiognomy and prediction. Feng shui is classify as physiognomy 相术. It has got nothing to do with religion or….

2024 Chinese Zodiac forecast

2024 Chinese Zodiac fortune prediction Should your believe in Chinese Horoscope Annual forecast? based on the Chinese traditional classification system there are 12 Chinese zodiac animals. Therefore the prediction formula for accuracy in probability is 1 out of 12 or….

top feng shui masters

Top 5 best feng shui master in Singapore Just wanted to share this information on Top 5 feng shui masters in Singapore…by dumb little man. Recently i was invited to be one of the best feng shui master in Singapore…..

Fate or Destiny

Do you believe in Destiny or Fate  Fate implies things are predetermined, without control, no matter how hard we try. Destiny implies a chance & choice to change our future. For example improve your skills through education.  Me cannot alter….


Master Chan 曾风水 feng shui reviews extracted from Google places reviews Bazi reading   Home Feng Shui   Master Chan’s 曾师傅Feng Shui Consultancy Experience was Terrific, Combination of Traditional and Modern Knowledge with the forces of Nature that is logical….

Feng Shui flying stars

Feng Shui Flying stars – where Timing is the Key The key concept behind flying star feng shui also known as Xuan Kong 玄空 is “timing”. Doing the right thing at the right time to attract the most “current 旺气”….

feng shui 2023

Feng Shui 2023 癸卯年 奇门遁甲-八门伏吟 integration of major formula schools Year of Water Rabbit commences on 04 Feb 10:43am 巳时 not CNY 初一 on 22 Jan 2023. Incorporating Annual 玄空 flying star, Qi Men Dun Jia 2023 奇门, Flying Tai….

feng shui misconceptions

Feng Shui misconceptions Feng shui misconceptions got no place in today’s knowledge economy. At present we are able to print human organs or tissues with a 3D bio printer or manipulate our immune system to fight cancer. It is pathetic….

Feng Shui Remedies

Feng Shui Remedies make simple Instead of dressing your home or office like a Chinese restaurant with good luck charms, authentic feng shui 正宗风水 doesn’t work like that. There are 2 major types of “negative” feng shui energy. The visible….

C section date selection

Caesarean Birth service (c section) If natural birth is not possible one is given a choice to choose a birth date and time for c-section, or cesarean section. Instead of leaving it to chance, one can select the most favourable….

Feng Shui science

feng shui not getting better with science 风水东方之科学 Sad to say today’s fengshui practice is not progressing with science. Some still believed in the appalling ritual of pineapple rolling on Key Collection day or deposit money on Li Chun or….

bazi nobleman 贵人

Bazi nobleman 天乙贵人 (benefactors) In Chinese Birth Reading, there is a short-cut to find out your Nobleman (benefactor) 天乙贵人 through Bazi Deity Formula (八字神煞). Solely using this method is not encouraged. Most will welcome a benefactor’s help in life’s critical….


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