
feng shui 2023

Feng Shui 2023 癸卯年 奇门遁甲-八门伏吟 integration of major formula schools Year of Water Rabbit commences on 04 Feb 10:43am 巳时 not CNY 初一 on 22 Jan 2023. Incorporating Annual 玄空 flying star, Qi Men Dun Jia 2023 奇门, Flying Tai….

feng shui misconceptions

Feng Shui misconceptions Feng shui misconceptions got no place in today’s knowledge economy. At present we are able to print human organs or tissues with a 3D bio printer or manipulate our immune system to fight cancer. It is pathetic….

Feng Shui Remedies

Feng Shui Remedies make simple Instead of dressing your home or office like a Chinese restaurant with good luck charms, authentic feng shui 正宗风水 doesn’t work like that. There are 2 major types of “negative” feng shui energy. The visible….

C section date selection

Caesarean Birth service (c section) If natural birth is not possible one is given a choice to choose a birth date and time for c-section, or cesarean section. Instead of leaving it to chance, one can select the most favourable….

Feng Shui science

feng shui not getting better with science 风水东方之科学 Sad to say today’s fengshui practice is not progressing with science. Some still believed in the appalling ritual of pineapple rolling on Key Collection day or deposit money on Li Chun or….

bazi nobleman 贵人

Bazi nobleman 天乙贵人 (benefactors) In Chinese Birth Reading, there is a short-cut to find out your Nobleman (benefactor) 天乙贵人 through Bazi Deity Formula (八字神煞). Solely using this method is not encouraged. Most will welcome a benefactor’s help in life’s critical….

2022 feng shui

2022 Home Feng Shui forecast Year 2022 is the Year of Water Tiger 壬寅年, commence on 04 Feb 4:51am For feng shui master pte ltd privilege clients, auspicious dates to reopen office 开市开工” and further enhancements are in the web….

Bazi Ziwei Query

Bazi + Ziwei bespoke query 子平法 + 紫微斗数 The integration of ZiPing and ZiWei is a 2-in-1 Chinese birth reading service to provide you with an optimum answer to a certain aspect of life challenging questions. It integrates the strengths….

Bazi Useful Element

What is Bazi Useful Element 八字用神 Finding your Bazi (birth profile) beneficial element/s 子平八字 体用 and 格局 用神 is one of the most challenging task in Chinese birth reading. There are some bazi masters who proudly uses the mobile app….

auspicious wedding dates

auspicious wedding dates master chan

Master Chan auspicious wedding dates selection Auspicious Wedding Dates Selection by Master Chan Choosing an auspicious date and time for wedding is not a superstitious belief. But it is also not some feng shui masters claimed that getting the perfect….


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